Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing Notes

The most interesting thing i have read in the Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing was the part in chapter 3 about reading with and against the grain of a text. I had never heard of reading in this particular way by supporting or arguing against the author's point. This part of the assigned reading caught my attention the most because I like to read a lot about Nazi Germany, and the rise of Adolf Hitler and people always say that I am a bad person for liking to read about him but i just admire him as a politician, and I lacked the knowledge of how to explain to others about how I like to analyze him and his actions. Im currently reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and after reading the assigned reading about reading with and against the grain of the text, I started to take foot notes on the side margins of the book about arguments of what Adolf should of done better and what he should not have done at all. This was my favorite thing about reading strategies, the most interesting thing I learned about writing strategies was all of the different types of writing. I personally love to read and usually dread writing because I have always taken the same approach when it comes to writing a paper but after seeing all of the different ways on how to write a paper, I think this may help me. I usually just find three main points and draw up a outline and then just make paragraphs out of the outline, but now I have realized that taking the same approach to writing every paper is stupid and is just hurting my ability as a writer because the goal of each essay is totally different usually and so it makes sense that your approach to writing it should be different.

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